Very often the clients we advise in relation to Protective Orders have been living in a relationship where domestic abuse has been prevalent for some time before they recognise that they are living in an abusive relationship and are victims of domestic abuse.
Did you know that Family Solicitors can secure Protection Orders, otherwise known as Non-Molestation Orders/Injunction Orders (and Occupation Orders) from the Family Court to prevent a relative, former relative or an associated person from acting in a certain way towards a victim and/or preventing an abuser from returning to a family home?
What are the signs to look out for?
Controlling behaviour
Are you told where you can go and what you can and cannot do? Are you monitored whilst you are out? Do you feel isolated from family members and friends? Have you been given an ultimatum, “It’s me or them?”.
This is harmful mental abuse which can test the victim’s sanity. The abuser will twist what the victim has said or has done, and often so much so that it can reach a point where the victim does not know what is true anymore. The doubt is so deep that they believe what the abuser is telling them.
Verbal Abuse, constant criticism and everything is your fault
Over time unkind comments, hurtful insults and cutting remarks can wear a victim down. Often the abuser will make these comments in public. This humiliation is psychological abuse and eats away at a victim’s self-confidence. A victim may not be given a choice and is expected to behave in a certain way.
Monitoring & financial abuse
This can take the form of messages and telephone calls being monitored/checked. Unrealistic limitations on a victim’s spending or withholding and restricting access to money and monitoring spending.
Threats and physical abuse
A victim may be told to act in a certain way or else there will be consequences. There may have been a slight push, shove or pinch but this type of behaviour can lead to more serious assaults.
How to get an occupation order
Applications for Protective Orders are made to the Family Court under the Family Law Act 1996. Our experienced Family Team will talk through a client’s experiences of their relationship and provide advice on the steps that can be taken to prevent the abuse continuing. We can also signpost clients to relevant support agencies.
In most cases Protective Orders are obtained the same day.
Legal Aid is available and we will always undertake a Legal Aid Assessment with a client before any work is undertaken. Legal Aid is means tested and we will ask you to bring in evidence of means to your first appointment so that Legal Aid can be secured at the earliest opportunity if you are eligible.
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